Aug 04, 2023
MoU Signed between INSEC and CTEVT
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been signed between the Informal Sector Service Center (INSEC) and the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) on August 4, 2023. The Chairperson of INSEC, Dr. Kundan Aryal and the Vice Chairperson of CTEVT, Mr. Khagendra Prasad Adhikari signed the MoU in a program organized at the CTEVT central office to update the CTEVT curricula and provide training on human rights and social justice for the instructors and staff working in the technical and vocational and education and training (TVET) sector in Nepal.
The CTEVT curricula primarily focus on technical and vocational competencies required for the “world of work”. Although the issues of human rights and social inclusion are of crosscutting nature, CTEVT curricula have hardly addressed such issues. In this context, this agreement has been made to introduce the human rights and social justice components in CTEVT curricula besides the core competencies required for the job market. In addition, INSEC will also support in providing training to the CTEVT employees on the human rights and social inclusion. The support provided by the INSEC to CTEVT will be free of cost.
The INSEC has identified its core competency areas in organizing campaigns, awareness creation and education programs for making people capable of asserting their basic human rights along with their civil and political rights. It also performs documentation of human rights situation of the country and disseminates the findings at national and international arenas. Education, monitoring, lobbying, advocacy, research and training on issues related to human rights have been major regular undertakings for INSEC for more than three decades. With this agreement, both parties will benefit from the awareness programs on the importance of human rights and social inclusion.
As per the agreement, both CTEVT and INSEC will nominate their focal person to communicate and coordinate with each other. On behalf of the CTEVT, the Curriculum Development and Equivalence Division will be responsible for the effective implementation of this MoU. The parties have agreed to organize a joint annual meeting to review progress and achievements. The decisions made during the annual meeting will be an integral part of the memorandum of understanding. This agreement will remain in effect from the date of its signature to December 2027 until terminated by either party by providing written notice to the other party at least two months before.