
The Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) and the 9 participating Dakchyata Supported Schools (DSS) have developed this project proposal for ‘Strengthening Employer Engagement in CTEVT Schools (SEECS)’. The project’s ambition is to support the strengthening and implementation of employer engagement policy, processes and practice in Nepal’s TVET sector. SEECS focuses on developing sustainable approaches to increasing the quality and relevance of the CTEVT school sector’s delivery and responsiveness to labour market needs.

SEECS is timetabled to run for 15 months from 1st December 2019 through to 28th February 2021 and has a proposed budget of EUR 3 Million/ NPR 374,310,000). Project delivery primarily will be carried-out through the 9 identified DSS. However, CTEVT will ensure effective management, coordination and dissemination by playing a facilitating role.




CTEVT School


Main Sector


Karnali Technical School




Tikapur Polytechnic Institute




Ratna Kumar Bantwa Polytechnic




Rapti Technical School




B.P. Memorial Polytechnic Institute




Gorkha Polytechnic Institute




Dhawalagri Technical School




Pokhara Technical School




Nepal Banepa Polytechnic Institute



Table 1: Dakchyata Supported Schools (DSS)

The project’s delivery through DSS with facilitating role of CTEVT will ensure the capacity building of Nepal’s TVET provision on institutional, sectorial, regional, national and central levels. The sector specialisms of the 9 DSS also ensure a focus on the three key industrial sectors (Construction, Agriculture and Tourism), which have been identified as priority areas by the Government of Nepal (GoN). CTEVT’s role will also ensure that models of good practice developed through ‘SEECS’ will provide a blueprint for other CTEVT schools and private sector providers.

Nepal faces the joint challenges of unemployment and skills shortages in key sectors, part due to a disconnection between skills supply and employer demand. The role of employers in the strategic direction, quality assessment and programme development of CTEVT schools is often minimal which has resulted in a lack of alignment between the skills being taught and those required by industry. This problem is exacerbated by the out of date learning equipment and facilities that are found in most CTEVT schools. The majority of CTEVT instructors have come through an academic rather that industry route and consequently are often unaware of current industry practice. Additionally, CTEVT schools’ leaders often have limited expertise, autonomy and confidence in dealing with employers. A centralised system can also result in schools being limited in how they respond to local demand from employers and running programmes that don’t always reflect local employer skills needs. The lack of institutional autonomy and confidence can also result in CTEVT schools often working isolation without regular regional or sectorial collaborative partnerships. The nature of Nepal’s informal economy often results in young Nepal’s moving into self-employment rather than full time employment, with a consequent need for programmes that support the development of entrepreneurship skills. Additionally, CTEVT learners lack practical skills on how to find a job and are often unware of the future career opportunities that maybe available to them. There is also a priority to support equitable access to CTEVT schools in terms of both gender equality and disadvantaged groups.

SEECS looks to align this national context with Dakchyata priorities. Dakchyata prioritises effective employer and private sector engagement as integral to the development of relevant, quality and sustainable training provision. Dakchyata also seeks to promote approaches to equitable access to training for female learners, unemployed youths and disadvantaged groups, alongside, promoting the transition to a greener, climate resilient, low emissions economy. The project emphasises the value of Private Public Partnerships (PPP) in providing innovative and sustainable approaches to developing more relevant and quality driven TVET provision.

The rationale for this project is also based on input from the 9 DSS articulated through ‘School Technical Proposals (STP)’. These proposals were compiled by the DSS to articulate their institutional objectives in terms of employer engagement. The DSS were supported in the development of the STP through a three-day workshop (June 2019) exploring models of good practice in employer engagement, along with three one-day sector (CAT) specific workshops (July 2019) focusing on the completion of the final STPs. 

Main objective

·         Build models of quality training in the DSS and wider CTEVT sector that develop the skills that employers consider relevant, thereby leading to growth in livelihood, employment and entrepreneurship.


Supporting objectives


Objective 1: DSS develop collaborative industry partnerships to enhance the quality and relevance of training programmes, learning materials, assessment and facilities.



·         Development of collaborative DSS and employer partnerships

·         Identification of key job roles for each sector

·         Design of employer led work based programmes (x 1 per DSS) and training materials

·         Piloting of employer led programmes, programme assessment centres and learning materials

·         Development of industry based facilities and equipment upgrading plans

·         Procurement of industry related tools, equipment and facilities and information and communication technology (ICT) related equipment and facilities


Objective 2: DSS enhance the quality of programmes by developing pre and in-service training that promote instructors’ up-to-date industry knowledge and by embedding industry experts’ input into programme delivery



·         Instructor upskilling programmes

·         Monitoring of upgrading programme is conducted and disseminated

·         Embedding of industry expertise in the delivery of training programmes.

Objective 3: DSS promote employability through equitable access, developing employment and self-employment skills and providing careers advice and guidance


·         Increased equitable access to CTEVT schools

·         Development of programmes, materials and tools to support GESI training programmes

·         Innovative approaches to developing entrepreneurship

·         Developed Careers Advice Guidance programmes

·         Increases in learners’ employment and progression


Objective 4: DSS build school leadership’s capacity for effective employer engagement through the embedding of employers into school governance structures and leadership development activities


·         Employer input into quality assurance and assessment

·         Embedding of employers in school governance structures

·         Capacity development of leadership skills through training programmes and activities

·         Developed materials are disseminated at sector and national levels

Objective 5:  CTEVT through Project Steering Committee (PSC) ensures the successful delivery, evaluation and dissemination of SEECS through coordination, facilitation and monitoring.


·         Effective management, coordination, grant allocation and technical input

·         Effective dissemination of project through targeted events and activities

·         Sustainable development of CTEVT’s capacity to support employer engagement